Early Ravenwing Reviews

As I finish my preparations for Master of Sanctity, book two for the Legacy of Caliban, the pre-release reviews of book one, Ravenwing, are hitting the net.

RavenwingHere’s what The Independent Characters had to say.

And nice things too over at The Founding Fields.

The vibe on forums and from those that picked up early copies at the BL Weekender has been very positive, and fits with how I felt when I finished writing the book. When writing about Space Marines there is a balance to be found between creating interesting characters and conflicts whilst remaining true to the spirit and nature of these post-human warriors. With the Ravenwing I’ve been able to look at the more independently minded members of the Dark Angels and I’m really happy with the result – a good blend of proper Space Marineness married to some genuinely different characters.

And for those that have mentioned it, yes a lot of the dialogue was influenced by the Spartacus TV series and their ilk; the blend of near-poetic and blunt adds a lovely cadence and character to these knights in space.

Ravenwing is available for pre-order and ebook download right now!

Published in: on December 11, 2012 at 10:14 am  Comments (15)  

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15 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Is the e-book version due out the same time as the paperback version? Sounds a promising read.


    • E-version available now, I believe.


  2. Just wanted to say thank you for writing ravenwing, it was a pleasure to read and has inspired me for my current dark angels painting projects! I will be looking forward for the next 2 books in the series 🙂

    And merry Christmas


  3. Finally! I have waited a good long while for this book and I am glad that I will soon have my hands on it.

    I am very much looking forward to reading it. I am sure that it will be as good as your other Dark Angels work!

    Cheers, Dominic. (Cavash, TDC)


  4. Reblogged this on Matthew Sylvester and commented:
    Ravenwing is a great book. I do get the feeling that Gav has been watching a bit too much Spartacus (any of them) however, as they speak very ‘Spartacus-like’.


    • For sure, I took a lot of inspiration from the Spartacus dialogue to find a suitably archaic, quasi-poetic voice for the Dark Angels. Other views may vary, but I think it suits them.




      • I thought so 🙂 Haven’t had a chance to write a full and proper review, but will do so. Loved the story and loved all the hints at what was to come 🙂


  5. I totally love this book, Gav. Well done and I can’t wait to see what you do in Master of Sanctity – maybe you’ll explore where the ‘Blade of Caliban’ has disappeared to, no…?


    • I will endeavour to clear up the Blade of Caliban mystery in Master of Sanctity… 😉



  6. I’ve finished reading Ravenwing and overall I thought the book was pretty solid. It was much better than Purging of Kadillus but not as good as your novela The Lion.

    I think it suffered from the pacing. I’m not sure if you had to preview units from the new codex or not but that is all the beginning of the book felt like. I think that entire section could easily be gotten rid of and the entire story start *SPOILER* after they get the order to go to Piscina.

    After that the story really progressed well and the we saw the real character development and interaction between inner circle/uninitiated happen. It was a much stronger narrative.

    I’m really looking forward to the next installment in the series. Keep up the good work Mr. Thorpe.


    • The opening scenes of Ravenwing were written for two purposes:

      1. To provide an overview of the characters and organisation, wargear and battle-style of the Ravenwing. If this came across a bit too much as trying to include everything, I can only say in my defence that there was lots of cool new stuff I wanted to include that might not have featured in the rest of the story!

      2. To provide a contrast with Sammael’s later decisions – insomuch that the way the Ravenwing act when dealing with a run of the mill rebel is in stark contrast to their behaviour when confronted with a real possibility of encoutering one of the Fallen. Hadria Praetoris is dealt with a very different way to, say, their actions on Piscina or at Thyestes.

      Cheers for the feedback,



  7. Hi Gav, in the nicest possible way, I’ve noticed a few errors in your latest novel. For example, when Sammael is addressing the Ravenwing prior to attacking the Death Guard outpost, Telemenus sees his hand tighten on the Raven Sword, but Telemenus is in the 5th Company and not present at this battle…


    • But i digress, a fantastic novel and I cant wait to read the next!


    • Hi,

      I hate it when this sort of thing still gets through, but there will always be something… If you would like to help eliminate them from future printings and editions, please drop a line to Black Library on their contacts page, stating the page number and error. http://www.blacklibrary.com/Getting-Started/Contact-Us.html

      I hope they didn’t spoil your enjoyment of the story too much.



  8. Mr. Thorpe,

    A thought regarding the cannibals in the bowels of the space station came to me shortly before this comment: aren’t forms of cannibalism (soylens viridians et all) a necessity in several hive worlds? In fact, aren’t Space Marines cannibals on occasion, when they take a nibble from some poor soul’s brain when they have to, say, learn to pilot Titans on the fly (you have to admit that was memorable, apocrypha aside!)? Annael seemed a bit overly disturbed at the prospect, considering.


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